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A Comprehensive Guide to Buying a Used Sonic Motorbike in Surabaya (2005 Model)

Andre Kusuma Rakhman


Sonic motorbikes, oh Sonic motorbikes, how they’ve captured the hearts of motorbike enthusiasts across Indonesia! With their sleek design, powerful engine, and smooth maneuverability, it’s no wonder that Sonic motorbikes have become a favorite choice among riders. And if you’re in the market for a second-hand Sonic motorbike from the year 2005 in Surabaya, then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of used Sonic motorbikes, explore their market value, and provide you with tips on finding the perfect ride.

Section 1: Understanding the Sonic Motorbike (2005 Model)

Before diving into the nitty-gritty details of pricing and negotiations, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty and performance of the Sonic motorbike from 2005. This model was known for its reliable engine, comfortable seating, and impressive fuel efficiency. Whether you’re zipping through city traffic or embarking on a long-distance journey, the Sonic motorbike is sure to deliver a thrilling ride.

Section 2: Factors Affecting the Price

Now, let’s talk about the factors that can influence the pricing of a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya. One of the most significant factors is mileage. As with any vehicle, the more kilometers a motorbike has traveled, the lower its value tends to be. However, it’s essential to remember that maintenance and overall condition also play a crucial role. A well-maintained Sonic motorbike with higher mileage can still fetch a decent price if it has been taken care of properly.

Modifications are another aspect to consider. Some riders love to customize their motorbikes, adding aftermarket exhausts, new handlebars, or even a fresh paint job. While these modifications can enhance the aesthetics and performance of a Sonic motorbike, they may also affect its resale value. Potential buyers have varying preferences when it comes to modifications, so it’s essential to find the right balance between personalization and market appeal.

Section 3: Determining the Market Value

Now that we understand the factors that affect pricing let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of determining the market value of a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya. The best way to get an accurate estimate is to research recent sales of similar models in your area. Online platforms such as motorbike classifieds or forums can provide valuable insights into the current market trends.

Additionally, local dealerships specializing in used motorbikes can offer guidance on pricing. Visit a few dealerships, inquire about the prices of Sonic motorbikes from 2005, and compare the information you gather. Remember, though, that dealerships may have their own profit margins, so it’s always a good idea to cross-reference their prices with other sources.

Section 4: Tips for Negotiating a Fair Price

Negotiating the price of a used motorbike can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. To ensure you get the best deal, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Do your research: Arm yourself with knowledge about the market value, recent sales, and any issues commonly associated with the Sonic motorbike from 2005. This information will give you a solid foundation for negotiations.

  2. Inspect and test ride: Before entering into negotiations, thoroughly inspect the motorbike for any signs of wear and tear. Take it for a test ride to assess its performance and handling. This will help you identify any potential problems and give you leverage during negotiations.

  3. Be confident: Approach negotiations with confidence, but also be open to compromises. Clearly state your offer and explain your reasoning based on the motorbike’s condition, mileage, and market value. Be prepared to negotiate, but also know your limits.

  4. Consider additional costs: Remember that the price of the motorbike is not the only expense you’ll incur. Factor in costs such as registration, insurance, and any repairs or modifications you may want to make. These additional expenses should be taken into account when determining your final offer.

Section 5: Reliable Places to Buy or Sell

When it comes to buying or selling a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya, there are several reliable sources you can explore:

  1. Online classifieds: Websites such as OLX, Bukalapak, or Tokopedia offer a wide range of used motorbikes, including Sonic models from 2005. These platforms allow you to browse through listings, contact sellers directly, and negotiate prices.

  2. Local dealerships: Visit reputable dealerships in Surabaya that specialize in used motorbikes. They often have a selection of Sonic motorbikes from 2005 and can provide you with expert advice, financing options, and warranties.

  3. Motorbike communities: Join local motorbike communities or forums where enthusiasts gather. These communities often have members looking to buy or sell motorbikes, and you may find a Sonic model from 2005 being offered at a fair price.


Congratulations, you’ve now become an expert in buying a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya! Remember, finding the perfect ride takes time and effort, but with the right research, negotiation skills, and reliable sources, you’ll be cruising the streets of Surabaya in no time. Happy hunting and safe riding!


  • Q: What is the average price range for a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya?
    • A: The average price range for a used Sonic motorbike from 2005 in Surabaya can vary depending on factors such as mileage, condition, and modifications. However, you can expect prices to range from IDR 5 million to IDR 10 million.

Poin Penting:

  • Understand the specifications and performance of the Sonic motorbike from 2005.
  • Factors that affect pricing include mileage, condition, and modifications.
  • Determine the market value through research and dealership visits.
  • Negotiate confidently and consider additional costs.
  • Reliable places to buy or sell include online classifieds, local dealerships, and motorbike communities.

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